A Christian Retreat
& Healing Centre
Leognano, Italy
After more than 15 years of heartfelt ministry, we believed it was time to name our mission formally. KADOSH; meaning “set apart” or “holy,” that reflects our commitment to a divine purpose dedicated to God’s work and plan for our lives.
We are committed to providing a sanctuary for rest, inner healing, prayer and spiritual renewal grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our Retreat Centre provides a safe place to nurture a healing experience that mirrors our Christian faith and facilitates encounters with the living God, a loving Father to us all.
Personal Ministry
On site ministry sessions into childhood traumas and the healing of past hurts through the understanding of repentance and forgiveness.
“A man’s own mind is the greatest battle he will ever face.” - UNKNOWN
Ungodly Beliefs
Knowing who you are in Christ. We will offer you teachings and interactive seminars that focus on building healthy boundaries and replacing lies with God’s truth.
(Romans 12:2)
Online Ministry
Our online ministry via Zoom is available for personalized ministry appointments (PMA)’s and heartfelt compassionate prayer.
Residential Ministry
& Personal Retreats
A fully equipped private townhouse with mountain views provides a welcoming retreat for our guests and couples to find peace and quiet reflection. There are two levels with a creativity studio that allows you to express yourself or paint.
Local Guided Excursions
Gran Sasso e Monti Della Laga National Park
Our sightseeing tours guided by our resident team, allows you to explore all the beauty of God’s creation. Mountain hiking on the Gran Sasso, lazy days on the nearby beaches of the Adriatic Coast or to experience the best local festivals and restaurants.
Our Ministry Team
Vittorio & Giovanna
Peter & Tina
Ida Ettorre
Personal Testimonies
“This ministry has changed my life and renewed my love and passion for Jesus.”
Tracy Hunt
“Our ministry time at Kadosh has restored our marriage. We felt safe and loved!”
John & Mary Findly
As we grow, KADOSH plans to expand our offerings to include marriage retreats, weekend healing and deliverance programs, discipleship training schools and workshops designed to equip others for effective ministry. We limit the number of participants to ensure an intimate and impactful experience.
Gates Of Hope
Chiesa Evangelica EKKLESIA Milano, Italy
May 23-25 2025
This is the first Gates Of Hope International GOHI conference to be held in Milan, Italy. Details to be announced.
Restoring Hearts
June 6-8 2025 KADOSH Ministries Leognano, Italy
A Healing Weekend Details to be announced.
Together Again
June 13-15 2025 KADOSH Ministries Leognano, Italy
An all-inclusive weekend marriage retreat set aside for ONE COUPLE to reconnect with each other and God. Includes lodging and meals at our private Townhouse, ministry sessions, meals and a local outing.
Set Apart
For God
Kadosh • Set Apart • For God •
“For you will go out with joy And be led in peace; The mountains and the hills will break into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55:12
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